Photo of Professionals at Sullivan Law Office, PLLC
Photo of Professionals at Sullivan Law Office, PLLC

Evidentiary Test Refusals

If you have ever been stopped by police for suspicion of drunk driving, you know how odds are stacked against you right from the start.

Despite the number of ways that law enforcement can mistake erratic or inattentive driving for drunk driving, it’s understandable that you would feel pressured in the heat of the moment. The field sobriety tests and breath, urine, or blood evidentiary tests you’re required to perform only add to the tension.

The field sobriety evaluations can be difficult to perform, even for drivers who are stone-cold sober. The breath test may be administered incorrectly or even on malfunctioning or defective equipment that could record distorted blood alcohol results, to your detriment. If you were within your rights to refuse to comply, you would. And many have.

Did you refuse police orders to participate in an evidentiary test for DUI in North Idaho? If so, we want to hear your side of the story.

At the Sullivan Law Office, PLLC, skillful criminal defense and DUI/DWI defense attorneys Joseph Sullivan and Luke Crawford bring years of valuable experience and extensive knowledge to your quest for justice. As your lawyer, our representation will be attentive and aggressive, start to finish.

Did You Refuse A Breath Or Other Evidentiary Test During A DUI Arrest? Your Concern Is Our Priority.

Refusing an evidentiary test has consequences — including a $250 civil penalty and up to two years of an absolute driver’s license or driving privileges suspension. A refusal may also drive the police to seek a search warrant to draw and test your blood over your objection.

Importantly, you only have seven days from the Date of Service on the Notice of Suspension to take action in your defense and request a hearing.

At this difficult time, you need an adviser and advocate in your corner who uses every weapon in his arsenal — legal acumen, investigative experience, negotiation skills, professional relationships — to argue for your interests. The important element of your case at this moment is your need to call or email our law office right away, to arrange a free initial consultation with Joseph Sullivan.

Reach us right now at 208-714-0890 to arrange a free initial consultation with Joseph Sullivan or Luke Crawford. We offer 24/7 availability to clients throughout the region for DUI/DWI defense representation.